Saturday 19 March 2016

win from British but defeated from Indian gornment

Freedum fighter late Radhakrishna Kale's ealder son Bholaram Kale aged 90 year's has spend his last panney to prove that his father Late Radhakrishana Kale was Freedum fighter. But the Chhattisgarh government does not accepted his proofs. Bholaram is struggling from 50 years last. He shows the receipt of the membership of his father. Which was made in 1930.That document proves that he was member of Mahakaushal state congres commitee of Chhattisgarh. After  Inspecting these documents the relible officers of Central and state government  keep scilent. Bholaram told this person that freedum fighter Dhirpat was the colegue of his father.

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