Saturday 2 April 2016

Runway couple found hanging from tree

Raipur: He got a tattoo of 'S' while she had inked 'I Love You' with his name on one of her arms. They dreamt of a happy life together. But the fear of world forced them to hang themselves from a tree. This is how a love story had a tragic end in Devsar village near Bhatgaon in Balodabazar district of Chhattigarh.

The family of the duo, 21-year-old Rajkumar Kenwat and Saraswati (18), were madly searching for them when they fled from their homes on Thursday afternoon. Cops of Beladula police post were informed about the missing couple, who wouldn't have imagined that they won't be able to see their children alive, ever again. Shocked villagers discovered the bodies of the runway couple hanging from a tree near Hinglaaj temple in Devsar on Friday morning. The boy, whose face was turned towards the girl, had hanged himself with his shirt while the girl used her stole to end her life. Police was called-in at the spot and the bodies were brought down.

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